Food Activism Training Course

The toolkit will be co-created by an online community coming together over 7 weeks. The aim of the toolkit is it can be adopted by individuals who would like to see a more sustainable, just and sovereign food system. The workshops will flag up actions we can take, common barriers we experience, and then collectively see how we can overcome these in a solutions-focused and exciting way. The solutions-focused and empowering toolkit can be used in our everyday lives as well as highlighting potential policy recommendations. 

What is the course outline?

Screenshot 2020-07-20 at 15.16.58.png

The workshops will take place over 7 weeks, each meeting will be 1.5 hours, 7 – 8:30pm, and will be hosted on Zoom. The themes each week are: 

  • Week 1 (Tues 1st Sept) – Introductory meeting - why are we here, setting the scene, what is activism and collectively producing a mission statement 

  • Week 2 (Tues 8th Sept) – In the Kitchen 

  • Week 3 (Tues 15th Sept) – In the Shops 

  • Week 4 (Tues 22nd Sept) – In the Garden 

  • Week 5 (Tues 29th Sept) – On the Go / In the Workplace 

  • Week 6 (Tues 6th Oct) Talking About Food  

  • Week 7 (Tues 13th Oct) Conclusion / Feedback on the Toolkit - in between Week 6 and 7 - Aber Food Surplus will write up a draft Food Activist Toolkit which we will share and discuss in this final week - celebration, what next, how can we all work together to share this and continue to engage people.