ECO Food Sharing Hub

The National Lottery Community Fund enabled Aber Food Surplus to open and facilitate this community space into a thriving community and environmental hub.  

The space is co-created and co-developed with and by the community. For example, from the paint on the walls to the events and workshops taking place inside. This means things may take a little longer or may not look perfect. However, we believe this is a more rewarding, empowering and beautiful process. We may not get things right first time, but we value learning, growing and creating together. This is why we are passionate about community-led projects. We welcome new ideas and are open to listen to you, our community!   

Our aim is for this space to be welcoming, relaxing and inclusive so please feel free to come in, sit down and take a look. Additionally, if you would like to learn more or get involved volunteering, use the space or have any questions, come in and chat to us or contact us on

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Order a Surplus Selection Box

We collect surplus food and share it through pre ordered surplus boxes and the community fridge and pantry. Order a surplus box and we will make it up for collection (or delivery) depending on how many people you need to feed in your household or organisation.

The Community Fridge

Reduce food waste through the community fridge and pantry. Find out how to give food to the community fridge, and use the fridge, through sharing surplus food we can celebrate community spirit and reduce the environmental impact of food waste.


How can you get involved in the hub?

We hope this space can be used to stimulate our local economy and build community resilience

  • Are you an entrepreneur looking for a ‘pop up’ shop space or to share your idea?

  • Are you involved in a community group looking for space to develop your community initiative or idea?

  • Do you have skills you can share with your community?

The ECO Food Sharing hub is welcoming everyone to utilise the space as a community hub. We imagine the ECO Food Sharing Hub to bring people together for many different reasons. Whether this is to share skills with other people in the community, to learn and share knowledge on environmental sustainability and wellbeing, or to experience and learn more about what is going on in our community. We are welcoming social and environmental enterprises, entrepreneurs and community groups in to the hub to showcase their work, pilot their ideas, or raise awareness of what they are getting up too. If you would like to utilise this space please get in touch with us!

Find Us

ECO Food Sharing Hub, 5 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, SY23 1DE